Der ema Online Summit bietet Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen eine gemeinsame Plattform, sich über die neuesten Anwendungen und Innovationen in der digitalen Fabrik- und Arbeitsplanung mit Hilfe der ema Software Suite auszutauschen.
Freuen Sie sich auf ein vielfältiges Programm mit Vorträgen zur:
ema in der Lehre u.a. zur Vermittlung von Industrie 4.0/5.0
Erleben Sie in einer Live-Demonstration die kollaborative Gestaltung von nachhaltigen Fabriken und ergonomischen Arbeitsplätzen mittels Nvidia Omniverse. Anschließend diskutieren wir die Chancen und Herausforderungen der virtuellen Fabrik- und Produktionsplanung.
Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, um wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen, Ideen auszutauschen und gemeinsam die Zukunft der digitalen Fabrik mitzugestalten.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und auf spannende Diskussionen!
Die Konferenzsprache ist: Englisch
This presentation gives a first overview of the ema Software Suite with ema Plant Designer and ema Work Designer. Based on industry requirements different use cases for the use of ema Software Suite in various planning and design phases are explained.
Exemplary use cases are shown using example projects from industry.
a. Virtual Pre-Validation for Assembly Process Optimization
Leveraging ema Work Designer´s simulation capabilities to conduct predictive scenario modeling and holistic feasibility assessment, enabling early-stage process verification with 20% reduction in downstream engineering changes.
b. Digital Process Engineering for HPV Excellence
Deploying ema Work Designer´s digital twin technology to simulate full manufacturing workflows, generating multi-dimensional efficiency analytics (labor time, line balance, ergonomic indices) and establishing HPV prediction models with closed-loop optimization protocols.
In Industry 4.0, efficient, ergonomic and safe human-robot interactions (HRC) are central elements of modern production environments. This presentation highlights the innovative collaboration between IMK and Botfellows, an up-and-coming start-up from the Fraunhofer IWU with a focus on flexible and efficient robotics, in the planning, programming and realization of such HRC applications. Practical examples, such as the projects with Geberit and BMW, will show how the combination of IMK’s ema software and Botfellows‘ innovative technologies enables economical, ergonomic and safe HRC solutions. In addition, new approaches from a current research project in collaboration with Fraunhofer IWU on the dismantling of fuel cells using HRC will be presented. The presentation will show how innovative partnerships and technologies promote the implementation of safe and sustainable HRC applications and strengthen the competitiveness of the industry.
The journey is the path to success. On their way to earning a Bachelor’s degree, students learn about production system planning and ergonomics. They apply this knowledge using EMA Work Designer and motion capturing at a cardboard workstation. This learning journey takes place in the final phase of their studies and spans two semesters. It consists of seminar-like sessions that teach and allow students to apply knowledge. To develop a human-centered and sustainable assembly process, students go through various learning stations. These include digital tools, practical applications, real-life examples, and lectures, some of which are interactive.
The presentation will outline practical examples from teaching and industry and show how digital planning tools can create added value and provide a profound basis with several solution variants for a transparent discussion and objective decision-making. The focus is on age-appropriate assessment for the use of ergonomic aids and the question of whether and how exoskeletons could provide support in the future. Using the Exoworkathlon test format, the current challenges and potentials of exoskeletons will then be highlighted and a discussion held on how digital planning tools can also provide methodological support for efficient implementation.
Do you have any questions about the topics and content of the ema Online Summit or about using the ema Software Suite? Then take this opportunity to talk to us directly! In this interactive program item, our experts will be available to discuss your individual concerns, exchange ideas and provide further information on the presentations.
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