Use of ema Work Designer in health care industry and hospitals

In the info session the use of the process simulation tool ema Work Designer (emaWD) in the healthcare sector will be presented using various examples. emaWD supports digital work planning and prospective ergonomics as well as productivity assessment by providing an efficient and accurate approach to 3D human simulation of manual and semi-automated activities such […]

ema Software Suite kurz vorgestellt + Fragerunde

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit dem ema Plant Designer ganz einfach einen digitalen Zwilling Ihrer Fabrik erstellen und mit dem integrierten Menschmodell im ema Work Designer manuelle Prozesse simulieren können.   Durch automatische Auswertungen im Hintergrund und der Nutzung des 3D-Layouts ermöglicht der ema Plant Designer Erkenntnisse zu Engpässen, Ressourcenauslastungen, benötigte Bereitstellflächen, Materialflussoptimierungen und Durchlaufzeiten […]

ema Education: Use in teaching and research (for digital factory and work planning)

22.08.24 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (CET) In this info session we will show you how to use our ema Software Suite in education and research. This is especially for universities and research institutions that focus on digital factory and digital work planning including also human-robot interaction, motion capturing, Virtual reality applications. We will use practical […]

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