The task in the project was to redesign and transfer several decentralised pre-assembly workplaces in axle production to a new, central production area at Daimler Truck AG. The primary objective was to investigate the integration of employees with reduced performance, so-called employees with limitations (ME), into the existing hall structure and to create a digital twin of seven workplaces for planning purposes with the help of modern software.
In the first step, the current actual conditions including all necessary data were recorded in an on-site inspection. In addition to information on the required components (e.g. weights, material supply and daily requirements), this also included the dimensions and functions of the devices used at the workplaces. On this basis, the ema Work Designer software solution was then used to create an initial digital layout concept for mapping the necessary material supply, equipment and basic workplace dimensions, taking into account current guidelines.
The next step was the iterative detailing of the initial scenario according to the requirements of capability-oriented workplaces. This included the adaptation of the material flow (e.g. reduction of the load handling of KLT/GLT) as well as the technical redesign of e.g. devices and manipulators. To ensure ergonomically favourable work processes, the assembly volumes at the individual workplaces were then simulated and further potential for improvement was identified. The iterative optimisation of the individual workplaces was carried out in a constant exchange, including workshops with planning, production and logistics on site.
Based on the coordinated solution as a digital simulation, technical specifications were created for each workstation. This was followed by the first assembly of the workstations in the prototype workshop.
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The new central pre-assembly area allows for the value-added integration of employees who have changed their performance. The targeted design and continuous optimisation of the workplace layouts, with the participatory involvement of all affected production and specialist departments, ensured the acceptance of the solution concept presented. In addition to the ergonomic improvements, the redesign also identified and demonstrated potential with regard to production time and walking distances.
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