IIC2024 opens its doors on 18 & 19 September 2024!
The 12th IIC Conference is all about the Innovations in the digital factory and production planning. We would like to take this opportunity to take a brief look back over the past few years.

First ema regulars' table 2012
To explore the beginnings of the IIC, we have to travel back 12 years into the past. The first IIC took place in 2012 under the name "ema-Stammtisch" at the Meteor Chemnitz. At that time, it was still a half-day event where ema users came together in a small circle.

One year later, we met again at the same location, but this time under a different name: the ema User Forum. The ema user forum was also held in Chemnitz in 2014, this time at the Fraunhofer Institute IWU Chemnitz. As in the two previous years, the event lasted half a day.

The official birth of the IIC
In 2015, the name IIC was officially used for the first time. In a sign of change, we also moved the venue to Augustusburg Castle, among other places.
There's something about a castle as a location! We'll do it all over again. So we decided to organise IIC2016 at Schloss Breitenfeld in Leipzig - and thus for the first time outside of Chemnitz.

We were drawn back to our hometown of Chemnitz for IIC2017. The search for a suitable event location ended at the Chemnitzer FC stadium. What an exciting location!
IIC goes Germany
We really liked the stadium as an event location. So it just so happened that we found ourselves in a stadium again in 2018. This time, however, it was the Mercedes-Benz Arena Stuttgart. This was also the first IIC to take place outside of Saxony.

The IIC 2019 moved back to Saxony. This time we found ourselves in the state capital of Saxony: Dresden. The venue was the Gläserne Manufaktur.
The forced break
Unfortunately, the pandemic forced us to cancel the IIC 2020. Unfortunately, no events were possible in 2021 either. However, we didn't want to miss out and brought the IIC to us at imk HQ - online and live. Incidentally, this is how our annual ema Online Summit came about.

Ten years of IIC
For IIC2022, we were able to plan a proper event again after a 2-year break. Fittingly, we are celebrating 10 years of IIC - this time with the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GFA) as co-organiser.
Last year we travelled to Fulda with the IIC2023 - this time even with 3 co-organisers on board: EKS InTec, FFT & EDAG. The now 2-day conference took place in the 3G conference hotel and offered plenty of space for over 100 participants.

We present:
The IIC 2024
This year on 18 & 19 September we will meet together with our co-organiser EKS InTec at the BMW World in Munich. We look forward to welcoming you to the 12th IIC!